Wednesday, March 2, 2011

iPhone 5 With a 4.3 Inch Screen?

iPhone 5 With a 4.3 Inch Screen?The iPad 2 launch is at the corner and the whole tech world is waiting for this moment. At first, there have been only rumors, but now this is an official event – Apple is going to unveil iPad2 on March 2 (according to New York Times and Reuters). Without any doubts, after the release of iPad2, the entire focus will be redirected towards the launch of the long awaited iPhone 5. And, maybe, the buzz around the phone will be bigger, being given the mainstream access that it has and the fact that the iPhone market is bigger than the iPad one.
Even after the release of iPhone4, we have been bombarded by rumors, valid or not; created either solely for some website’s traffic or just to feed the buzz. But, at this moment, all the tattle is slowly transforming into facts and even leaks from the company, with or without intention. One of these “informers” is the glass screen manufacturer, which provides the components for the frontal screen of iPhone5.
biggrscreen iPhone 5 With a 4.3 Inch Screen?
However, the full authenticity of this image couldn’t be confirmed; but it gives us some clues about the construction that iPhone 5 could have, by looking at the similarity with iPhone4. We can see that the biggest difference is the increased size of the screen, which extends near the edge of the housing.
As we can see out of these computer modeled we can see that the screen could have the size up to 4.3 inches, which will make the useful area even bigger, creating a visual impact supported by the thinned frame.
iphone 5 vs iphone4 iPhone 5 With a 4.3 Inch Screen?
Apple is one of the companies that know how to “capitalize” the buzz around a product and to convert it into a strong marketing strategy. When you have millions waiting for your products, it is much easier to work on this. We don’t have yet an official announcement regarding the launch of iPhone 5, but (again) rumor has it that summer could be a good choice.


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