Friday, March 11, 2011

Facebook Will Add Video-Conference Features

Facebook could start offering video-conference service for its 600+ million users. The biggest social network in the world could make a partnership with Skype for this, as we are being told by Bloomberg Business. Sources from the company (Facebook) declared for the American publication that the discussions and negotiations between the two companies started since last year.

Skype was founded in 2003 by the Swedish entrepreneur Niklas Zennström and Dane Janus Friis. The Skype software was developed by Estonian developers Ahti Heinla, Priit Kasesalu and Jaan Tallinn, the same individuals who together with Niklas and Janus were also originally behind the peer-to-peer file sharing software Kazaa. In April 2003, and domain names were registered. In August 2003, the first public beta version was released. At the moment, their membership base is more than 650 million people, pretty much the same figure that Facebook has.

Introducing a video-conferencing service would be considered as an answer from the social network to Google and Apple, companies that are already offering this feature through their software platforms. Currently, the video-conferences represent 41% of the total connections being made using Skype.

Some Facebook functions are already integrated in the newest versions of the client-program Skype and if this partnership will come to an end, the video calls will be done directly using the browser.

Facebook announced last year a new communications platform which will grant unified access to the instant messaging system offered by the company and an email account based on such addresses as

The new video-conference system could be integrated in the platform that Facebook will released and which isn’t yet public, being still tested.


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