Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Steve Jobs Takes Medical Leave from Apple

steve jobs health 300x251 Steve Jobs Takes Medical Leave from AppleSteve Jobs is taking a medical leave of absence from Apple’s top job, raising serious questions about his health and ability to lead Apple into the future.  Despite having an amazingly successful couple of years, many people have noted his unhealthy appearance lately, which is perhaps linked to a liver transplant back in 2009.
Apple have not provided much information about Jobs’ current condition, so we are left guessing whether he is acutely ill or taking preventative measures.  However, Apple spokesperson Steve Dowling did refer to a note that Jobs wrote to his employees before he left.
In the note, Jobs mentions he will continue as CEO of the company and will still be involved in all major decisions.  However, chief operating officer Tim Cook will now be responsible for all day-to-day operations.  “I love Apple so much and hope to be back as soon as I can,” wrote Jobs, adding “In the meantime, my family and I would deeply appreciate respect for our privacy.”
Steve Jobs is heavily identified with the Apple brand, and many people wonder just how well it will do without him if these health problems continue.  While the U.S share market was closed on Monday for the Martin Luther King Jr holiday, Apple shares took a big plunge in Frankfurt where they went 6.4% down.
Jobs’ medical history is well known, although Apple have normally only reported the facts after the event.  In 2004 Jobs underwent surgery for a rare form of pancreatic cancer, and in 2009 he received a liver transplant that only came to light two months after it was performed.  During both these periods Apple suffered a loss in profits, and many people are predicting the same result now.
However, despite the problems it may cause, Jobs is putting his health first which is very good news indeed.  Lets all hope he has a speedy recovery and gets back on the job as soon as possible.


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